BEC 2019 – Riga

The conference has taken place on June 11-12, 2019 at the Stockholm  School of Economics in Riga, Latvia. The full program is available here.


Photos: Didzis Grodzs

We had the pleasure to welcome Francis Kramarz for a keynote speech. You can find the presentation of his paper entitled “Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, Exports, and the Labor Market”, co-authored with Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State University, NBER) and Samuel Kortum (Yale University, NBER) in video below:


Keynote Speaker
Francis Kramarz is the Director of CREST. He is also an associate professor at the École Polytechnique. His main field is labour economics and labour micro-econometrics, with a particular focus on the interaction of product markets and labour markets. In particular, he and Professor John Abowd have developed new methods for analysing matched employer-employee panel data. He has published in Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of Econometrics, the Journal of Labor Economics, Review of Economic and Statistics among many others. He also wrote a chapter of the Handbook of Labor Economics (North-Holland, 1999). His current research tries to connect firms in globalisation with labour market outcomes (employment and wages). Francis Kramarz is a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, UK) and, since October 1999, of the Institute of the Study of Labour (IZA).