5th LB-NB-CEBRA Conference in Vilnius, 19-20 September

The 5th Lietuvos Bankas (LB), Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP) and the Central Bank Research Association’s (CEBRA) conference “Macroeconomic Adjustments after Large Global Shocks” will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 19-20 September 2024.

Topics of the conference include but are not limited to:

  • Macroeconomic and international trade effects of large global shocks
  • Shock transmission, adjustment channels and heterogeneity of the effects
  • Policy responses to large global shocks
  • Global shocks challenges for monetary policy

Organising committee:

Julian di Giovanni (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and CEBRA), Paweł Kopiec (NBP), Andrei A. Levchenko (University of Michigan and CEBRA), Krzysztof Makarski (NBP), Aurelija Proškutė (Lietuvos bankas), Robert Rich (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and CEBRA), Raphael Schoenle (Brandeis University and CEBRA), Swapnil Singh (Lietuvos bankas), Milda Savickaitė (Lietuvos bankas)

Venue: Vilnius County Adomas Mickevicius Public Library, Traku str. 10

Website: Link

Preliminary program: Link

Free registration: Link