TalTech course Forecasting with DSGE Models

TalTech course Forecasting with DSGE Models

The course will be held at TalTech over three full days from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 June 2020. The class starts at 10:00 and ends at 16:00.

The objective of the course is to teach student how to:

  • Estimate DSGE model: classical and Bayesian estimation
  • Foreast with DSGE models: mean, median, density forecast
  • Evaluate the accuracy of forecasts: ex-post forecasting competitions

The course, which is aimed at doctoral students and researchers, will use Matlab and Dynare. Basic knowledge of the three equation New Keynesian model and basic knowledge of  Matlab are appreciated.

Main Instructor: Michal Rubaszek (Warsaw School of Economics)

The course is organized as follows:

  1. Estimating DSGE models
  2. Forecasting with DSGE model
  3. Evaluation of forecasts


For more information, visit http://www.taltech.ee/ecee 

Please contact Ms Aneli Hallap (ecee(at)taltech.ee) for registration or for any additional information.

1st Bank of Lithuania Invited Lecture Series, Klaus Adam (University of Oxford)

Bank of Lithuania and its Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER) are pleased to announce the 1st Invited Lecture Series given by Professor Klaus Adam of the University of Oxford. The lecture’s topic is “Learning and Expectations Formation in Macroeconomics and Finance”. The lecture is intended for early stage researchers and PhD students at an advanced level. The lecture will be followed by a workshop where some of the attendees will get the opportunity to present their working paper.
Details of the lecture and the workshop are as follows:
· Duration of lecture: 12 hours
· Lecture dates: November 27 – 28, 2019
· Workshop date: November 29, 2019

To attend the lecture and the workshop please send your CV and working paper (if you wish to present) to ssingh@lb.lt by September 30, 2019. Decisions for acceptance or rejection will be emailed by October 6, 2019. There is no registration fee.

Lectures will cover following several broad topics:
· Deviating from the rational expectations hypothesis: why and how?
· Introduction to the mathematical toolkit for analyzing learning dynamics
· Learning in the real business cycle model
· Learning and stock price volatility
· Stock price volatility and real business cycles

Established in 2015 by the Bank of Lithuania, CEFER is the main research hub in economics and finance in Lithuania. CEFER is part of a network of National Economic Research Organizations along with the leading research institutes across the globe. CEFER is also pivotal in organizing major conferences (Baltic economic conference, joint conferences with CEBRA/CEPR and Bank of Poland, among others), co-establishing Baltic economic association, developing joint Ph.D. courses and administering Bank of Lithuania research awards named after Vladas Jurgutis. CEFER runs regular research seminars and workshops. Learn more at https://www.lb.lt/en/of-research

2nd Baltic Economic Conference

The 2nd Baltic Economic Conference has taken place in Riga, June 10-11, 2019. Many thanks to all the 88 participants! Our guests came from 19 different countries, from the Baltics but also from UK, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Spain, USA, Hong Kong, … See you next year in Tartu!

Call for Papers – 25th International Panel Data Conference

Call for Papers – 25th International Panel Data Conference

4-5 July, 2019

Vilnius, Lithuania


Bank of Lithuania and Vilnius University invite submissions to the 25th International Panel Data Conference. Keynote speakers are Manuel Arellano (CEMFI), Peter Egger (ETH Zurich), Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston U) and Bo Honore (Princeton U).

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers using panel data for their applied and/or theoretical research. We welcome submissions related to all aspects of panel data, including factor models, dynamic models, models of network formation, spatial models and applications to finance, productivity, labor, income inequality, and others.

The conference will commemorate the late Zvi Griliches (1930-1999) and his contributions to economics and econometrics. Manuel Arellano will deliver his keynote talk during the Griliches Memorial Lecture.

Thanks to our sponsors reduced registration fees and a limited amount of scholarships is available for a selected number of graduate students presenting at the conference.

Submit your paper (pdf only) no later than 15th of February, 2019 through submission@ipdc2019.org. For more information about the conference visit www.ipdc2019.org.

Call for Papers – Baltic Economic Conference

We are happy to invite paper submission for the 2nd Baltic Economic Conference that will take place on June 10-11, 2019 at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia. The Baltic Economic Conference is organized by the Baltic Economic Association, founded by leading economic researchers from the Baltic States to contribute to the development and application of economics as a science in the Baltic States, and to promote joint scholarly research and intellectual exchange among economists.

Deadline for paper submissions: February 28, 2019

Location: Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Strēlnieku iela 4A, Riga, Latvia

More information here: https://conf2019.balticecon.org

The Call for Papers is available here.